Bantuan Memories

Use memories to preserve your ancestors' photos, stories, documents, and audio recordings.
Upload photos, stories, documents, and audio files about living relatives that you added to Family Tree.
Ketahui cara muat naik memori ke FamilySearch. FamilySearch ialah tempat yang bagus untuk menyimpan foto dan dokumen keluarga anda yang berharga. Muat naik fail imej daripada komputer, Instagram, Facebook atau Google Photos anda.
In Memories, you can add stories about your ancestors.
Learn the different ways to add images to stories.
Learn about restricted images and what actions you can take.
Tag people in the photos, stories, documents, and audio recordings that you upload so they show in Family Tree.
Identify the people in your stories and audio files with a tag. Doing so attaches the memory to their person page in Family Tree.
Learn about uploading a PDF to Memories.