Tokoni ki he Fekumi ʻo e Ngaahi Lekōtí

Editable fields can vary based on the location and language of the user, and any restrictions associated with the collection.    
Learn field-specific search tips and advanced techniques as you search our indexed historical records.
Ngāue'aki 'a e Kataloká ke vakai'i 'emau ngaahi tohi, ngaahi 'ata 'i he 'initaneti, ngaahi filimi iiki, pe ko ha toe me'a kehe 'e tokoni ki ho'o fakatotolo hisitōlia fakafāmili mo e fakatotolo tohi hohoko.
Whether you are struggling to read old handwriting or working in an unfamiliar language, we have resources to help you! Using the tips and tricks shown below, you’ll be a pro in no time.
'Ilo'i e ngaahi ʻuhinga angamaheni 'e ʻikai te ke lava ai ʻo fakatonutonu ha fehalaaki fakafo'ilea ʻoku ke maʻu.
Hiki tatau e ngaahi fakamatala mei he faile GEDCOM ki he Fu'u 'Akau Fakafamili.
Ako fekauʻaki mo e hū ki he ngaahi fakangatangatá mo e founga ke ʻiloʻi ai kinautolú.
Fakaʻaongaʻi ʻa e fehokotakiʻanga ki he maʻuʻanga fakamatalá ke fakapipiki ʻa e ngaahi lekooti fakahisitōlia ʻokú ke maʻu ʻi he FamilySearch ki ha taha ʻi he Fuʻu ʻAkau Fakafāmilí.
You can see a list of all record collections on FamilySearch. You can filter the list by title, place, date, and collection.
ʻOku fakaʻatā koe ʻe he fekumi ʻi he feituʻú ke fakangatangata ʻa e ngaahi ola ʻo e fekumí ki ha feituʻu naʻe nofo ai hoʻo kuí.
You can request that FamilySearch make an indexed record about yourself or a person for whom you act as legal guardian inaccessible.
Kapau 'oku 'ikai ma'u ho'o filimi iikí 'i he 'initanetí, te ke lava pe 'o toutou vakai'i mai 'amui ange.
Learn why we remove books from the FamilySearch Digital Library, and possible solutions.