How do I filter the search results in historical records?

After you search historical records, you can add filters for better results.

Steps (website)

  1. Sign in to FamilySearch
  2. At the top of the page, click Search
  3. Click Records.
  4. Enter your search terms, and click Search

The main panel shows the search results. At the top, you see gray bubbles for the kinds of information included in the set of records. To see the filter options, click a bubble. Most options show in a pop-up box. The exception is the Collection bubble. When you click Collection, the options appear on the right side panel.

Filter Collections

  1. Above your search results, click Collection.
  2. On the right panel, find the collections included in your search results.
  3. Click in the box to the left of the collections that you want to keep.
  4. Click Apply Collection Filter.
  5. You now see the specific collections at the top of search results in blue bubbles. You can click X to remove a collection.

Filter other options

  1. Above your search, click a gray bubble such as Birth.
  2. In the box that appears, you can click a place or date range that you want to apply. Click Apply.

You can filter as many fields as you desire. You can also go back and change the filters.

Steps (mobile app)

  1. In the Family Tree mobile app, open the additional options.
    1. Android: In the top-left corner, tap the 3 lines.
    2. Apple iOS: In the bottom-right corner, tap the 3 lines.
  2. Tap Search Historical Records.
  3. Continue with the website steps.

Steps (Family Tree Lite)

The Historical Records feature is not available on Family Tree Lite.

Search tips for historical records
How do I understand my search results in Historical Records?
In Historical Records, the search results do not match my search terms
How do I change how search results in historical records are formatted?
How do I export search results from Historical Records for use in a spreadsheet?
Getting the Most from Your Search: Understanding the Search Records Page

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