How do I preorder films at the FamilySearch Library?

Even though all of the films at the Vault were digitized, we still honor the contracts made with the record owners. The original owning institutions decide the access level for the films we house. We cannot release copyrighted or contract-protected material on the internet to the world. You can visit the FamilySearch Library or a FamilySearch center and see many films that you cannot view at home.

In 2017, we discontinued circulation of microfilms from the Granite Mountain Record Vault to FamilySearch centers and affiliate libraries. Some films are only available physically or digitally in the FamilySearch Library.

Due to the rapidly diminishing supply of microfilm, the ability to request copies of microfilms to view in the FamilySearch Library was discontinued on July 15, 2023.

We are currently working on alternate methods of access for microfilmed records that cannot be released to the public online. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we develop these alternative options.

How can I search microfilms at the FamilySearch Library?
Microfilm circulation service has been discontinued.

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