How can I search microfilms at the FamilySearch Library?

When films are not yet available online, you can search the physical microfilms or microfiche at the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City. Film ordering stopped for all FamilySearch centers in 2017. You can continue to view films at the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City, Utah.

When the catalog location says "Granite Mountain Records Vault," the film is not available at the library. The supply of microfilm is rapidly diminishing. Therefore, we removed the ability to request microfilms from the Granite Mountain Record Vault for use in the FamilySearch Library.

We are currently working on alternate methods of access for microfilmed records that cannot be released to the public online. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we develop these alternative options.

How do I preorder films at the FamilySearch Library?

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