Search for a place where a person lived in historical records
Use this strategy when you know a location where a person lived but the birth or marriage records are not located there.
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Step-by-step instructions

To search for a place where a person lived:

  1. From the FamilySearch homepage, click Search, then Records.
  2. Enter a person's name in the first and last name fields. Add a place and select More options.
  3. Add a range of years.
  4. In the Add a Life Event field select Residence. Add the location of the person’s place of residence.
  5. Scroll down and click search.

Family search populates the results, and I can see the record I was looking for. All the information matches, even the family members' names. I can view the record or attach it to my family tree by clicking on the record. If the record did not come up, adjust your search and try different combinations of information.

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