What is the relation of FamilyTreeNow to FamilySearch?

FamilyTreeNow is a genealogy website that is not associated with FamilySearch. It aggregates information about people from widely available public records and then uses other information online to identify possible relatives and associates. Registered users can use this information to start building a family tree on the website.

FamilyTreeNow is not affiliated with FamilySearch.

  • FamilyTreeNow is not compatible with FamilySearch Family Tree. This means that the family tree application on it does not receive, share, or exchange information with FamilySearch Family Tree.
  • It does not appear in the FamilySearch Solutions Gallery.
  • It is in English at present and focuses primarily on records from the United States. However, it can contain information about people from other countries.
  • You can opt out of FamilyTreeNow using the instructions at http://www.familytreenow.com/optout. It is your choice whether to opt out or to ignore this option. We recommend that you research and consider any implications before you select the opt-out option.

For questions about how FamilySearch protects information about living people, see our privacy notice. For information specifically about how living people are protected in FamilySearch Family Tree, see the articles listed below.

Who can see my living relatives in Family Tree?
How does Family Tree protect the privacy of living people?

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