How do I organize my source box with folders?

Use folders to organize the sources in your source box. You can create up to 200 of them. Each one needs a unique name. Here are some ideas:

  • The type of record the folder contains
  • The name of the ancestor
  • The name of the family line
  • The name of a place

Currently, the source box feature is only available on


  1. While signed into FamilySearch, click your name.
  2. Click Source Box.
  3. Click New Folder.
  4. Enter a name in the pop-up box in the Add Folder screen.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click the box next to each source you want to move or click the Select All box.
  7. Click Move and tap the folder that you want.

What is my source box?
How do I delete a folder from my source box?

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