I can't find any batches that I want to index

When none of your preferred projects are available, please try a different project.

Trying a new project that includes unfamiliar records can be intimidating. However, as you try something new, you might find more enjoyment by learning about different types of records. To learn to index a new type of project:

  • Read the project instructions carefully. 
  • Review the image to know what is expected.
  • Check the Field Help to be sure the indexing is done correctly.
  • For help, contact the local group administrator or stake temple and family history consultant by clicking the ? button in the FamilySearch header. A drop-down window appears. Click Contact Us, which contains contact information for the nearest people and resources available.


  1. In the Find a Project window, click the difficulty level desired.
  2. Select a language.
  3. Select a location.
  4. Select a time period.

What is My Batches in Indexing?
What are the upcoming indexing projects?

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