How do I search the photos, stories, documents, and audio files in Memories?


Before you start

The Find feature allows you to search for photos, stories, documents, and audio files about a specific ancestor. Here are some search tips:

  • Search for words that could be in the title or the description of a photo, document, or audio file.
  • Search for words that could be a topic tag.
  • Search for words that could be in the title or first 250 characters of a story.
  • You only get results for a name if the name is in the title or the description of a memory. If you know the name of an ancestor, find it in Family Tree, and display the memories.

Steps (website)

  1. Sign in to and click Memories.
  2. Click Find.
  3. Click to select what you want to search.
    • Search Text searches the titles and descriptions.
    • Search Topic Tags searches up to 5 topic tags.
  4. Type your search words in the box. (The search is not case-sensitive.) If you type a term, the system does not find, the message “No topics found” appears immediately below the field.
  5. Click Search.
  6. To filter this set of search results further, refine your search using the options in the left panel. If you searched using topic tags, click Search Only My Close Relatives to limit the search results your own family lines.

Steps (mobile Memories app)

  1. Open the FamilySearch Memories app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap Find.
    1. For an iOS device, Find is a magnifying glass icon along the bottom.
    2. For an Android device, in the top-left, tap the 3 lines and then Find.
  3. Tap Text or Topic Tag.
  4. Enter search terms. Results show below the search field.

Steps (Family Tree Lite)

Family Tree Lite does not display or search memories.

Troubleshooting tips

Similar to the Find feature in Family Tree, Find in Memories searches based on the public and private settings for individual memory items.

  • The system assumes that items contain living people until a guest tags the items and links them to deceased persons.
  • Tags with the name of a living person can be visible to people who see the memory. To keep the tag private, attach it to the living person in Family Tree.

If you contributed an item, you can find it in the Memories gallery. 

How do I add or edit the title of a photo, story, document, or audio file?
How do I tag memories of my ancestors or relatives in Family Tree?
How do I share memories that I find with family and friends?
Advanced search options for Memories

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