FamilySearch provides an easy way for you to download memory items. You can download photos, documents, stories, and audio files.
Steps (website)
- Sign in to FamilySearch and find the memory that you want to download.
- Click the memory item.
- In the upper right, click the three vertical dots.
- Click Download.
- If you are downloading a photo that also has an audio file, indicate whether you want the photo, audio file, or both. Then click OK.
Steps (Memories mobile app)
- Tap a memory item.
- On an Apple iOS device, tap within the item to bring up the toolbar.
- Apple iOS: Tap the share icon in the bottom left. Then tap the Save option. Android: Tap the three dots in the top-right corner, then tap Download.
Steps (Family Tree mobile app)
- Navigate to the person whose memory item that you want to download.
- Tap the Memories tab.
- Tap a memory item.
- Apple iOS: Tap the share icon, then tap the Save option. Android: Tap the 3 dots icon and then tap Download.
- To download all memory items for the ancestor, tap the three dots in the top-right corner, then Download Memories. (For Apple iOS, tap More, then Download Memories.)
Steps (Family Tree Lite)
Currently, Family Tree Lite does not include the Memories feature. Visit the full website.
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