How do I attach a historical record to a person in Family Tree?

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How Do I Attach Record Hints Using Source Linker?

Use the source linker to add historical records as a source to your ancestors in Family Tree. 

    Steps (website)

    1. Sign into FamilySearch
    2. At the top of the page, click Search
    3. Click Records
    4. Enter your search terms, and click Search
    5. Click the search result that interests you. 
    6. Click Attach to Family Tree. (Attached in Family Tree to [name] shows if the record is already attached as a source.)
    7. Find your ancestor's name under "History List" or "Possible Matches." Click Select.
      • If you do not see a match, search by ID number instead, and click Correct.
      • If you do not know the ID number, click the back button on your browser to return to the previous page. You can attempt to attach the record again when you have the necessary information. 
    8. When the Source Linker opens, you see 2 columns. On the left is information from the historical record. On the right is information from Family Tree. 
    9. If the information in the historical record matches the person on the right, click Compare.
    10. Click Add to add the new information to the person. If you see errors in the added data, you can make corrections.
    11. Enter an explanation, and click Attach.
      • You see a small drop-down rectangle menu if the information from the historical document matches more than 1 person. To see a list of names, click the menu. Select any that apply. 
      • If the information in the historical document does not match your ancestor, click Not a Match. Type an explanation, and click Save.
      • If you are unsure, click Cancel.
    12. If Source Linker matched the record to other family members, a Compare link appears next to each family member. Click Compare, and continue for each additional family member.
      • Some records contain information about a person not presently linked to the family. Click Add, and create a person in Family Tree. If you see errors in the indexed version of the name, you can edit it as you add the person to Family Tree.

    Steps (mobile Tree app)

    1. Open the Family Tree mobile app.
    2. Tap Search Historical Records
      • Apple iOS: In the lower right, tap the 3 menu bars. In the menu, tap Search Historical Records
      • Android: In the upper left, tap the 3 menu bars. In the menu, tap Search Historical Records
    3. Enter your search terms, and tap Search
    4. Tap the search result that interests you. 
    5. Tap Attach to Family Tree. If you see "Attached in Family Tree to [name]" or "Attached to [name]", the record is already attached as a source.
    6. Find your ancestor's name in the list of Possible Matches. Tap Select.
      • If you do not see a match, tap Find by ID. Below the person's information, tap Select.
      • If you do not know the ID number, continue researching until you have enough information to continue. 
    7. When Source Linker opens, you see 2 columns. On the left is information from the historical record. On the right is information from Family Tree. 
    8. Review the information. You can add information from the record to the Family Tree profile. Tap arrows beside the information that you want to add.
    9. Tap Yes, Attach.
    10. If Source Linker matched the record to other family members, a Review Others list appears. Tap a name in the list. If the system cannot determine who the match is, tap to find a match. To the right of the correct name, tap in the circle. Then tap Continue. Review the information and tap Yes Attach. Repeat for others on the record.

    Steps (Family Tree Lite)

    You cannot search and attach historical records through Family Tree Lite. Please use the regular FamilySearch website or mobile app. 

    How do I attach source from Source Box?
    Getting the Most from Your Search: Understanding the Search Records Page

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