Where do I find a FamilySearch center?


Find a FamilySearch center near you to jumpstart your family history journey. You can find the address of a local center on our website.

Local volunteers at FamilySearch centers provide various services:

  • Personalized help about how to use FamilySearch and how to do family history research.
  • Complementary access to computers, the internet, and premium family history websites. (Available resources vary by location).
  • Access to images of historical records that are only available in centers

Each center is unique, but all offer a space to learn more about your ancestors. Centers are in many types of buildings, such as churches and libraries.

Steps (website)

  1. Go to the FamilySearch Center Locator Map Tool.
  2. In the Search box, enter a place. Alternatively, click the locator icon to the right of the search box and search your current location.
    The map shows the closest 50 FamilySearch Centers (or Affiliates) within a 50-mile radius of your search area.
  3. FamilySearch Centers appear on the map as green FamilySearch tree icons. Affiliate libraries appear as red book icons.
  4. Click an icon on the map, or click a center from the list.
  5. Click the blue More Information tab. You can see the center name, address, hours of operation, and telephone number.

Steps (mobile app)

For the Family Tree app:

  1. On an iOS device, at the bottom, tap More. On an Android device, at the top, tap the 3 lines icon.
  2. Tap Help.
  3. Tap Find a FamilySearch Center.
  4. If you see a request to "Allow Family Tree to use your location", tap Allow Once, allow While Using App, or Don't Allow. If you do not allow the app to use your location, skip to step 6.
  5. A map of your current location appears. To see center information, tap a green icon on the map.
  6. To search for a different center, at the bottom of the screen, find the Enter Location search field. Enter a place.

Get help

Contact FamilySearch in these circumstances:

  • You search for a specific FamilySearch center and do not find it.
  • The contact information for a center is not correct.

How do I get help using FamilySearch.org?

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