How do I follow or unfollow a person in FamilySearch?


You can follow deceased people in FamilySearch and see when another user changes the information. You can also follow profiles of living persons in Family Tree if you can see the profile. You can follow up to 4,000 people.

  • The Changes to People You Follow list identifies all changes made to people that you follow during the last 60 days.
  • You can add labels to the names that you follow and see who else follows them.
  • You receive a weekly FamilySearch notification to alert you of changes made to names that you follow.

How to Follow (website)

From Your Family Tree

  1. Navigate to the person that you want to follow.
  2. Click the person's name.
  3. On the person's profile card, click the star icon (Follow) to follow.

    Note: The star icon appears outlined when not following someone, and solid when following.

From a Person Page

In the header that contains the person's name and birth date, click the star icon (Follow).
Note: The star icon appears outlined when not following someone, and solid when following.

From the Following Page

  1. In the upper-right corner of the page, click See List.
  2. On the person's profile card, click the star icon (Follow).

Note: The star icon appears outlined when not following someone, and solid when following.

Note: If you do not see the newly added name, refresh the page.

How to Unfollow (website)

From Your Family Tree

  1. Navigate to the person that you want to unfollow.
  2. Click the person's name.
  3. On the person's profile card, click the star icon (Following) to unfollow.

Note: The star icon appears outlined when not following someone, and solid when following.

From a Person Page

In the header that contains the person's name and birth date, click the star icon (Following) to unfollow.
Note: The star icon appears outlined when not following someone, and solid when following.

From the Following List

Click the ellipsis (3 vertical dots) to the right of the person's name. Click Unfollow.
Note: If the ellipsis (3 vertical dots) is not visible, in the upper-left corner of the page, click the Options tab. Under View By in the Options window, click Person. The ellipsis (3 vertical dots) is now visible.


  1. In the upper-left corner, click the Following tab.
  2. On the person's profile card, click the star icon (Following).

How to Follow (mobile app)

  1. In the Family Tree mobile app, tap on any person to open that person's page.
  2. In the top-right corner of the screen, tap 3 dots icon. On an Apple iOS device, tap More.
  3. Tap Follow.
  4. "Follow" changes to "Following". On an Apple iOS device, the star beside Following is filled in.

How to Unfollow (mobile app)

  1. In the Family Tree mobile app, navigate to a person you are following.
  2. In the top-right corner of the screen, tap the 3 dots icons. On an Apple iOS device, tap More.
  3. Tap Following.
  4. "Following" changes to "Follow". On an Apple iOS device, the star icon changes to an outline.

How to Follow or Unfollow (Family Tree Lite)

Family Tree Lite lacks the Following feature. Use either the website or the Family Tree mobile app.

How do I view all the people in Family Tree I am following?
How do I find out who else is following a person in Family Tree?
Can I follow living people in Family Tree?

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