Transcript of the April 1930 BATES BULLETIN, pages 58-60 EDWARD BATES OF BOSTON FAMILY Earlier Bates genealogists were inclined to regard Edward Bates of Boston and Edward of Weymouth as the same person, but later investigations have led to the conc1usion that they were different individuals. The following study of Edward of Boston is by Mrs. Edith C. Faust of Marion, Mass., to whom we are indebted for her careful and painstaking work, and which seems to prove that there were two Edwards. 1. EDWARD BAYTES (Bats, Bates, Batts) came from Boston in England in 1633 in the "Griffin" as an apprentice of Thomas Leverett. In the Memorial History of Boston, page 567, is this record: "In the 9th Month (1633) List to First Church * * * Edward Baytes, Anthony Harker, our brother Thos. Leverrett's men servants." Edward Baytes was made a freeman on March 9, 1637. (City document No. 46, par. 21) Pulling Point Necke “Allotments of Edward Baytes 14 acres of upland and marsh together: bounded towards the North by the allotment of Wm. Stidson, toward the East by Norther-most Creek, toward the South by the allotment of Thos. Matson & toward the West by the said highway.” 1637. (Massachusetts General Court Record, Nov. 20, 1637) "Whereas the opinions & revelations of Mr. Wheelright & Mrs. Hutchinson have seduced and led into dangerous errors many of the people heare in New England insomuch as there is just cause of suspicion that they, as others in Germany, in former times, may upon some revelation make some suddaine irruption upon those that differ from them in judgment for prevention whereof it is ordered that all those whose names are underwritten shall before the 30th day of this month of November, deliver in at Mr. Cane's house at Boston, all of such guns, pistols, swords, powder, shot & match as they shall bee owners of, or have in their custody, upon paine of ten pounds for every default to be made thereof, which armes are to be kept by Mr. Cane until this court shall take further order therein. The Names of Boston Men to bee disarmed – " The nineteenth name on the list was that of Edward Baytes. (Town Record, 25th March, 1639 – City Document No. 46, par. 29. "It is also ordered that the cornfield fence at Muddy River shall be made adequate and sufficient before the 20th of April * * *and to be seen unto by our brethren John Audlyn and Edward Baytes." (City Records March 30, 1640) "It is agreed that Edward Baytes in regard to his absence at Isle Sables shall be allowed 6 months to build upon his lot; otherwise he consents to leave it to the town, his charges being allowed to the value." (Record of the First Church) 2 2. "John, son of Edward, age about 14 days, baptized at First Church January 23, 1641-2." “For three different offences our brother, Edward Baytes, was excommunicated November 20, 1642", but “upon his repentance openly confessed” he was “again received into fellowship April 28, 1644.” These items are the simple annals of Edward Baytes. Shortly after 'his return to the “fellowship” his brief and turbulent career seems to end. On October 8, 1645, his widow, Lydia, became the second wife of William Fletcher of Concord. Lydya, widow of Wm. Fletcher, died October 12, 1704. (Chelmsford.) 2. JOHN BATES, son of Edward, 'baptized in the First Church of Boston in the 11th month (January) 23, 1641-2. His history is identified with that of the family of William Fletcher. About 1668, the Fletchers moved to Chelmsford. John Bates accompanied them. In his will William Fletcher makes a provision for John Bates and calls him his son-in-law (stepson.) Rev. John Fiske's Notebook) "The brethren of the First Church (Chelmsford) presented children's names and ages as follows: Born to William Fletcher at this time. John Bates, about,15 years old. Joshua Fletcher, 12 years old; Lydia. 9 years; Samuel 4 years; Paul 2 years." Also, Fletcher, John Bates, s. William bp 1, 12 m: 1656 age 16 y." N. E. Register Vol. 88, pp 40-42. "John Bates, Chelmsford under Capt. Wheeler and at Groton Garrison – King Philip's War. October 19th John Bates 01-14-03. Feb. 29, 1676-6 John Bates O1-12-10 pay for services." (N. E. Register Vol. 43, page 373) "Garrison in west regiment of Middlesex Chelmsford Mar. 16, 1691-2, Joseph Farwell and with him Sam'l Fle(t)chers, Wm. Fle(t)chers, John Bates and their families." 9 men. (N .. E. Register Vol. 11, page 222) "John Bat signs certificate of Mr. John Fiske 1695". (This may have been either father or son. The reference in vol. 38 which gives John Bates as a freeman in Chelmsford in 1689-90 is presumably about the son, for John, Jr. was in 1689-90 about 22.) John Bates married Mary Farwell December 22, 1665 (daughter of Henry and Olive.) Their children were: i. Mary, May 8, 1667. 3. ii. John, Dec. 22, 1668 (John Bats). iii. Elizabeth, Dec. 22, 1671; m. Jonathan Richardson Nov. 8, 1692. iv. Lidiah, Feb. 25, 1673; m. Samuel Cotten July 22, 1695. v. Rebeckah d. July 6, 1682. 3 vi. Sarah; m. Benjamin Butterfield (Buterfild) Feb. 16, 1697. John, Sr. died April 11, 1722 (age about 80) of smallpox. Mary Farwell Bates died Mer. 7, 1713-4. (Allen's History of Chelmsford) "The first public meeting was holden at Wm. Fletcher's house 22nd ninth month 1654." (At his time parents presented their children's names for study and examination.) "The westerly comer of John Bates property adjoined the ministry land." "In 1722 . John Bates and family had smallpox; and most of them died." 3. JOHN BATES was born in Chelmsford December 22,1668. He married Deborah –. He died of small pox May 1, 1722, age 53 yrs. 4 mo. 9 d. (Unitarian Cem. Chelms.) Children: i. Deborah, Oct. 21, 1694; m. Jonathan Fletcher Nov; 8, 1719; died Mar. 23, 1772. (Diary of Rev. Ebenezer Bridge.) 4. ii. Edward, April 14, 1696; m. Mary Snow Feb. 11, 1719-20. iii. Hannah, Nov. 24, 1701? (torn); m. Wm. Read Feb. 11, 1719.20. iv. Mary, Feb. 1, 1705; m. Joseph Spaulding, Groton, March 25, 1727. v. John, Nov. 29, 1706; died May 22, 1724, in 17th year. 6. vi. Jonathan, March 81, 1709. 6. vii. Robert, Jan. 16, 1711. viii. Betty, May 5, 1718; m. Ephriam Blood Jan. 15, 1731-2. 4. EDWARD BATES was born in Chelmsford, April 14, 1696. He was one of 78 land owners in Westford. His farm was west of Long-Sought-for-Pond near the Dunstable line on the road to Brick Tavvern. He married Mary Snow of Nottingham Feb. 11, 1719-20 (int) in Chelmsford. She was the daughter of John Snow, formerly of Woburn, and Sarah Stevens Snow. In Allen's History of Chelmsford there is the statement that the first woman who taught school in the public schools in Westford Chelmsford was Mrs. Edward Bates, maiden name Mary Snow, in 1740-43. She may have been a widow at this time. (I find no record of Edward's death, altho that does not follow.) She died in 1776 age 78, according to Westford records. Children of Edward Bates and Mary Snow Bates: i. Oliver, Jan. 13, 1721; m. Ruth Wright Jan. 16, 1744. He was a captain in the militia. He was so seriously injured in the Battle at the bridge in Concord that he died the following July 4 (1775). No children on record. (Hillside Cemetery, Westford.) 7. ii. Joseph, Nov. 8, 1725 (Chelmsford V. S. p. 22): m. Phoebe Powers (?); 2nd Mary Davis, December 12, 1781. Died at Potsdam, N. Y. iii. Betty, bp. December 8, 1727 (Firat Congregational. Westford.) iv. Sarah, Aug. 29, 1783 (Westford); m. Jonathan Johnson of Hollis, July·4, 1764. v. Hannah, bp. Sept. 12, 1736 (First Congregational, Westford.) 5. JONATHAN, born March 31, 1709; married, int. Abigail Howard, April 20, 1745. Banns forbidden April by Joanna Parker. Abigail Bates died an aged widow "old- age April 13, 1806, age 93 yr." Jonathan, Sr. died May 28, 1764, age 65. Children of Jonathan Bates (5) and Abigail Howard Bates: i. John, April 23, 1748; died in ye army in Cambridge and buried there December 4, 1775 . ii. Jonathan, Feb. 13, 1749-60; died March 1, 1771 ("brother of John at Isaac Parkers’ diary of Rev. Bridge.) 4 6. ROBERT born Jan. 16, 1711; married Lydia Spaulding, April 19, 1748; died May 21, 1791. Children of Robert Bates (6) and Lydia Spaulding Bates: i: Betty, August 12, 1755; m. Isaac Chamberlin June 13, 1782. ii. Lydia, May 2, 1750; m. William Fletcher, Jr., Jan. 25, 1744. iii. Olive, Jan. 16, 1752; died Dec. 28, 1810 in her 59th year. Consumption. iv. Sibell, Feb. 27, 1759; m. Samuel Marshall June 4, 1780. 7. JOSEPH BATES was born in Chelmsford. Westford November 3, 1725. He married twice: his first wife was Phoebe or Phebe Powers (1); his second, Mary Davis whom he married December 12, 178l, previous to his discharge from the Continental Army. In the History of Jaffrey, N. H. page 231 the following item appears: "Joseph Bates (Lieutenant) removed from Westford, Mass., to New Ipswich in 1751, removed from thence to Jaffrey about 1778; was a member of the committee of inspection that year. He was also a member of the same committee in 1775 at New Ipswich. He was a lieutenant (Captain: E. B. B.) in the Revolution and was at Saratoga when Burgoyne surrendered. He was a prominent business man and held most of the important offices in the gift of the town. He settled on lot 17, range 3, since owned by Jacob Jewell, Deacon Isaac Russell, and Solomon Garfield, the present occupant. He removed to N. Y. state in 1801. He married second wife, Mary Davis, Dec. 12, 1781." In the History of New Ipswich: “Joseph Bates abollt 1750 bought from avid Hills his log house. He was one of the charter members of the church in 1760. Joseph Bates, elected Sealor of Waits and Measures (1762).ln 1763 when there were 95 taxpayers, Joseph Bates paid minister's rate 6-9-1. The town voted not to exact the fine of Lt. Bates (1767) for not acting as constable. In 1771 he sold his estate to David Hills. In 1774 he paid tax of 1-12-6. Children of Joseph Bates: 8. i. - Joseph, May 29, 1757. ii. Hannah, Sept. 10, 1759; died May 14, 1762. iii. Philip, July, 8, 1763; died December 4, 1764. iv. Hannah, October 26, 1765; became 2nd wife of Daniel Emery (Lt.). v. Sarah, Jan. I, 1767: m. Alexander Emes: died Dec. 18, 1787, buried Jaffrey. A child, Sally, December, 1787: m. Farnum Fisk, removed to Potsdam: d. Sept. 12, 1838. 9. vi. Peter, Mar. 21, 1770. vii. Anna, Aug. 13, 1775, in Jaffrey, N. H. viii. Samuel, m. June 21, 1810, Jenny Cutter; died Oct. 14, 1838. ix. Nancy: m. Alexander Milliker of Sharon. 10. x. Isaac, Oct. 14, 1796, Jaffrey: m. Charlotte Bryant about 1821: died April 23, 1855. 8. JOSEPH BATES, May 29, 1757: m. April 7, 1795, Lucy Dodge. Children, i. John, resided at Potsdam, N. Y. ii. Asa, had sons, Asa; Thomas of Potsdam; Bradley, b. May 20, 1832 at Potsdam, resided Fancy Prairie, Ill., and had son, Oscar J. 9. PETER BATES, Mar. 21, 1770: m. Nov. 24, 1793, Elizabeth Milliken of Sharon, N. H. Removed to 5 Potsdam, N. Y., in 1808. Children: i. Elizabeth. ii. Peter. iii Oliver (b. 1796,. Cheshire Co., N. H.) Four children. Removed to Springfield, 1833. iv. Martha. v. Sarah Emes. vi. James Milliken, b. 1803, Cheshire Co.: went to Springfield, Ill., in 1833. vii. Harriett. viii. Phebe Powers. In the record of land sales Peter Bates bought 148 acres in the N. W. part of Potsdam in 1807.