
Explore the history and terminology of European heraldry and learn the methodology to utilize coats of arms to uncover your noble lineage. Discover resources for researching British families with coats of arms.
Become familiar with English poor law and how it would have affected your pauper ancestors.
Details about access to the 1921 Census of England and Wales on the findmypast site.
Learn to use the tools available on the England Research page to find the records you need for your England research. The topics include a brief overview of the FamilySearch Wiki, Learning Center courses, indexed and image-only historical records the FamilySearch Catalog, the Digital Library, and Genealogies.
Many questions about how to do English research can be answered by using the FamilySearch Wiki. Learn how to access England resources on the Wiki, and how they can help you learn to find your ancestors.
FindMyPast.com is one of the major websites for English research. This class highlights some of the key English resources on FindMyPast and how to access them.
Learn about the England parish registers containing baptisms, marriages, and burials after the pre-printed form in 1812.
Learn about the England parish registers containing baptisms, marriages, and burials before the pre-printed form in 1812.
This is a case study in English and Welsh probate records.
This lesson teaches how to locate and evaluate English and Welsh probate records before 1858.
This lesson teaches how to locate and evaluate English and Welsh probate records after 1857.
This is an introduction to probate records in England and Wales
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