Why do some indexes have access limitations?

Limitations in access to indexes on FamilySearch come from record collection agreements between FamilySearch and third-party organizations. When we collaborate with interested third parties, it helps FamilySearch ultimately provide more access to more records to all who use the site.

In some cases, these agreements give us permission to share certain records in a limited way. For example, with people who visit the FamilySearch Library or local FamilySearch centers in person, for example.

Here are some possible solutions when an index you want to view is not available online:

  • Search the Catalog for similar records are available in a different format.
  • Consult the Research wiki for other sources of information for the place of interest.
  • Ask the FamilySearch Community for research assistance.
  • Try to access the records at a later date. Our agreements can change over time, and we always strive to make more records available to our users.

Why does FamilySearch collaborate with other organizations?

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