What browsers and devices work for indexing?

You can participate in indexing from a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet. We recommend using Google Chrome, Safari, Edge, or Firefox.

Several issues exist with the Microsoft Edge browser and indexing. The Tab and Enter keys do not advance the cursor during data entry, for example.

We support tablets with keyboards and a minimum of a 1024x600 resolution. An internet connection is necessary. Tablets require the following operating system:

  • Android OS 7.0+
  • iPads with iOS 10+

At this time, we are unable to support indexing on smartphones due to their small screen size. 

If you are unable to open a batch using a tablet, please turn device to the vertical or portrait view position. You should be able to open a batch in this position.

Which internet browsers are compatible?
What operating systems do the FamilySearch mobile apps require?

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