Our affiliate library needs access to restricted images

Guests at FamilySearch affiliate libraries can access millions of restricted FamilySearch digital images while at the library. Library guests must access images from the library building. Some images in ImageSearch are restricted for various reasons and may only be viewable to employees or missionaries with certain permissions. Guests without the necessary permissions see a restricted icon and a message such as “Unable to Display Image Group.”

By contract with some of our information providers, FamilySearch lacks rights to share all images with our affiliate libraries. In addition, affiliate libraries lack access to restricted images in the Books section of FamilySearch.
Affiliate library guests have access to a portion of our digitized microfilms that guests cannot view from home. Image access enables affiliate libraries to continue as valuable providers of FamilySearch content.

Affiliate library having problems accessing restricted images

If you are an affiliate library having trouble viewing limited access images, use the process listed on the affiliate library website, under the Support tab, to help troubleshoot the issue. Find the process listed under Image Access Diagnostics for Affiliate Libraries at https://www.familysearch.org/en/affiliates/support

Email questions about accessing restricted images to affiliatelibraries@familysearch.org
Please include the following information in the email:

An authorized staff member submits the following information:

  • The current contact information (Name and location of library).
  • The external static IP address for your library (can be a proxy). If your library uses multiple static IP addresses, please provide each address or the range of IP addresses. You can find your IP address in these ways:

External static IP addresses must be exclusive to the physical space of the library. The IP address must not extend to non-library facilities or remote guest access.
If you need help with establishing an external static IP address, please contact your organization’s IT support. If you lack an IT person, please contact your internet service provider and ask for an external static IP address.

Interested in becoming an affiliate library

For additional information please see the affiliate library website: https://www.familysearch.org/en/affiliates/about

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