Find and search specific historical record collections

You can find and search a specific collection in historical records rather than searching all collections at once. First, find the collection you want. Then search it. Your search results all come from the selected record collection.

    Steps (website)

    1. Sign in to
    2. At the top of the page, click Search
    3. Click Records.
    4. Scroll down to Find a Collection.
    5. In the Collection Title field, enter the title or keywords (such as a place or record type). As you type, collection titles appear.
    6. Click the title that you want to search or browse.
    7. Enter your search terms, and click Search
    8. Click the search result that interests you. 
    9. To return to the search results, click the browser's back arrow.

    Steps (mobile app)

    1. In the Family Tree mobile app, open the additional options:
      • Android: Tap the three lines in the top-left corner.
      • Apple iOS: Tap More in the bottom-right corner.
    2. Tap Search Historical Records.
    3. Scroll down to Find a Collection.
    4. In the Collection Title search field, enter the title or keywords. As you type, collection titles appear.
    5. Tap the title that you want to search or browse.
    6. To return to the search results, tap the back arrow.

    5 tips for searching historical records
    How do I search all historical record collections at once?
    How do I search historical records by place or by using the world map?
    How do I view a list of all record collections in Historical Records?
    How do I find an image in an unindexed collection in Historical Records?
    Getting the Most from Your Search: Understanding the Search Records Page

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