How do I delete a parent or child relationship in Family Tree using JAWS?

You can delete an incorrect child-parent relationship on Family Tree using JAWS. JAWS (Job Access with Speech) is a screen reader that blind or visually impaired individuals can use to access Family Tree. 

Perform the following steps to delete an incorrect parent and child relationship in Family Tree using JAWS:
The steps to delete an incorrect parent-child relationship are below:

  1. Sign in to Family Tree at
  2. Go to the details page for the parent or child with the incorrect relationship. To do this, use the Find command, the Recents list, or move to a person already present on the Tree or Details page.
  3. Move to the Family Members heading. Use the JAWS Virtual Find command, or press H until you hear “Family Members.”
  4. Maximize the screen to increase the probability of the steps working correctly. To do this, press Alt + Space Bar and then X.
  5. Move to the child with the incorrect relationship. On the details page of the child, the individual appears as a child under Parents and Siblings. If you are on the details page for one of the parents, the individual appears as a child under Spouses and Children.
  6. Move to the Edit Parents button. This button is not labeled in the current Family Tree release. To find the button, press the Down Arrow until you hear "Unlabeled 1" button.  Press the Spacebar to activate the button.
  7. A new page displays. Move to the Remove or replace button menu. To do this, press H 3 times to move to the Child heading. Then press the Down Arrow until you hear "Remove or replace."  Press the Spacebar to activate the button.
  8. Move to the check box labeled "I have reviewed the relationships, sources, and notes for these individuals."  This is done by pressing tab followed by X.  Press the Spacebar to check this box.
  9. To remove the parents, perform steps 10 through 12 below. To replace the parents, go to step 13.
  10. Press tab to move to the Remove Parents button, and press the Spacebar to activate the button.
  11. Move to the edit field with the title "Reason for my change" and enter the reason for deleting the relationship. You can quickly move to the Edit field by pressing tab followed by E
  12. Press tab to move to the Remove button, and press the Spacebar to activate the button.  If you decide you do not want to delete the relationship, press tab again to move to the Cancel button, and press the Spacebar to activate the button.
  13. To replace the parents, press Tab twice to move to the Replace Parents button menu, and press the Spacebar to activate the button.
  14. A screen to find the correct parents is displayed. You can search for the parents by name or ID. 
  15. To search for the parents by name, move to the first edit field by pressing E, enter the requested information, press Tab to go to the Next button, and  press the Spacebar to activate the button. Go to step 17.
  16. To search for the parents by ID, move to the Find by ID field, enter the ID for one of the parents, press Tab to move to the Find button, and press the Spacebar to activate the button. 
  17.  A list of results is displayed.  Move to the correct couple, and press the Spacebar on Add Couple to add the correct parents.
  18. After the incorrect relationship is deleted, press Escape to dismiss the relationship screen.  You are taken back to the Person page, where the modified relationship is displayed.   

JAWS commands used in this article are below:                            E:  Move to the next edit forms field.
F:  Move to the next forms field.
H:  Move to the next heading.
Insert+F7:  Bring up a dialog box with a list of all links present on the page.
Insert+Ctrl+F:  Activate the JAWS virtual find dialog.
Enter:  Activate the link in focus.
Spacebar:  Activate the button, or change the state of the check box or radio button in focus.  

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