Profile Quality Score

FamilySearch is making it easier to identify common mistakes and inconsistencies in your family tree.

screenshot of profile quality score

Our algorithms comb through the data associated with a tree person, and perform hundreds of tedious checks. Some issues you may see us call out include:

  • A child being born before their mother was born
  • The name of a person not matching the name on an attached source
  • A person missing sources tagged to their birth

We are hopeful that you will find our prototype helpful at improving the accuracy of your family tree.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why is the Profile Quality Indicator listed as "Not Available"?
For the quality indicator to appear on a page, all of the following conditions must be met:

  • User language set to English
  • Ancestor must be born between 1800 and 1920
  • Ancestor must be born in Canada, Continental Europe, the United Kingdom, or the United States.
  • Experiment enabled (using button below)

How can I try out the prototype?

You can enable and disable the feature for your account with the buttons below.

How can you call my grandma a medium?!

  • The quality level is not a judgement of your grandmother's character
  • The quality level is not a judgement of your ability as a genealogist
  • The quality level is simply trying to summarize the genealogical quality of her data.

What if my ancestor is an exception to the rule?
It is likely that some issues we call out are not applicable to your ancestor.

Some exceptional scenarios we have seen include:

  • The person really did have 15 children
  • A name on an attached source was indexed incorrectly
  • The clerk recorded an incorrect date in the original source
  • They really weren't born in a city, just a rural county
  • An ancestor stretched the truth when recording their age

In these kind of cases, feel free to dismiss the issues by clicking on issue text, then clicking the dismiss button.

How do I provide feedback?
Feedback can be provided here:

(you will be asked to join the community group, so we can converse about your feedback)

Are there plans to support additional birth segments?
Initially, we are limiting the profile birth locations and time periods supported by this prototype. After refining the algorithm based on user feedback, we will look at supporting additional birth locations and time periods.

Is the prototype available in my language?
The prototype is currently only available in English.

When will the full version be released?
We are still in the discovery phase and do not yet know if this product will be released to all FamilySearch users.