What are the data limits for people in Family Tree?


In Family Tree, the record for a person has the following data limits:

  • Spouses: 200
  • Parents: 100
  • Children: 400
  • Names, facts, and events in the Other Information section: 200
  • Sources: 200
  • Memories: 1,000
  • Other persons identified as "not a match": 400
  • Discussions: 50
  • Individual notes: 50 (each note can have up to 10,752 characters)
  • Relationship notes: 12 (each note can have up to 10,752 characters)
  • Church membership records: Up to 100 Church membership records. (Membership records do not appear as a source, but that enhancement is being considered.)

How many memories (photos, stories, documents, and audio files) can I upload?

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