The Memories mobile app is taking up too much space

If you have many memories in the FamilySearch Memories mobile app, the app can take too much space on your device. You can archive photos or move the app to an SD card to solve the storage problem.  

Archive photos

If you have preserved many memories, we recommend that you archive them after you attach them to people in Family Tree.

Archive from the website, not in the Memories mobile app.

When you archive the memories from the website, you can later download them from the Archive folder in the mobile app. 

Move the app to an SD card

You can also move the app to an SD card if your device supports it. If you move the app, be aware of the following issues:

  • You cannot install the mobile app directly onto an SD card. First, install it onto your device. Then move it to the SD card.
  • You cannot update the app from an SD card. Instead, delete the app from your SD card, reinstall it on your device, and then move it back to your SD card. Most of our updates contain minor bug fixes, so unless you have problems, you can go for several months without an update. We recommend that you update the app every 6 months. Update sooner when you need specific bug fixes or new features.

For instructions on how to move apps to your SD card, see the help for your device. Many websites also provide detailed instructions or videos on the process.

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