How can we promote our FamilySearch center?

Social media kit

  • Define your goals. Why do you want to use social media?
  • Choose the best channel for your goals.
  • Allow time for a community or following to build on social media.
  • You are allowed to use any social media platform as long as you have priesthood leader’s approval, and you follow the guidelines and policies. Church Handbook Internet,

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing provides the opportunity to promote your center’s activities through various social media platforms. Tailor your content to the platform. Tailoring helps boost awareness of your facility. Here are examples of social media platforms:

  • FamilySearch Wiki
  • Web page
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • WhatsApp
  • YouTube
  • Blog

Create a social media marketing strategy

  • Determine who your audience is and research their interests.
  • Decide which social platforms that you want to use.
  • Generate unique and engaging content.
    • Creating a personality and a voice helps you build your audience.
  • Establish a schedule for your posts.
  • Define a successful campaign and then analyze your impact and results.
    • Measure the effectiveness of the engagement over time.
    • Do not judge results just by numbers, since quality beats quantity in social media.
  • Maintain diligent upkeep, including answering questions and monitoring comments.

Best practices for social media

Here are websites with good social media tips:

Here is the Church callings social media policy, which applies to FamilySearch centers:

Church media frequently asked questions

Be sure to comply with the Terms of Use.

List of royalty-free images from stock photos

Images are free, but some photographers want attribution. Check the copyright and attribution lines.

Google my business

BYU Print and Mail

Find approved FamilySearch and Family History Materials for the center. Examples include fliers, contact cards, and information cards about the center.

Posters for FamilySearch centers
FamilySearch Center Operations Guide 2023

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