The new landscape and portrait views in Family Tree

In Family Tree, new landscape and portrait views are now the default. The landscape pedigree view displays the lineage horizontally. The portrait pedigree view displays it vertically.

Where can I see the new pedigree views?

The new pedigree views are currently available in Family Tree.

Why are they changing?

The primary reason for the changes is to enhance consistency throughout the site, both from a user interface and a technological point of view. Our goal is that the site will have a consistent appearance and user interface, which will make it easier for new users to learn. Additionally, we are replacing older with newer technologies, which will make it easier to maintain over time.

How to get to the new pedigree views

  1. In Family Tree, click Tree.
  2. In the drop-down in the upper-right corner, switch to either the Landscape or Portrait view.
  3. Click Go to New Pedigree View, which is in the banner in the upper-right part of the screen.

When you display a new pedigree view in the Family Tree, you will see the new design. A toggle button back to the the original experience will be available for a short time.

New features

The landscape and portrait views have a few new features you would want to check out:

  • Person side sheet. You can now view a person's details in a side sheet. Click a person's name, and the details appear in a list along the right side of the screen. From the side sheet, you can add additional details. You still need to go to the person page to edit details, so that you can see the sources while editing. On the side sheet, click either the person's name or View Person to go to the person page.
  • New Options. The new versions have an Options button that lets you decide whether alternate parents and spouses show. Click .
  • ID Numbers. The pedigree views now display each person's ID number. You can click the ID to copy it.

How to return to the old version of the page

  1. In Family Tree, display the person page of any ancestor. The new version of the page comes up by default.
  2. Switch back to the old person page by clicking the button at the top of the page that says Go Back to Old Pedigree.

Questions and comments

  1. Click the Feedback button. It is located along the left side of the page.
  2. Click one of the faces.
  3. Enter your feedback. If you think you found an unknown issue, provide details about exactly what you did. To fix the issue, we need to be able to replicate it.
  4. Please include your email address so that we can respond to you with answers or for clarification.

A community discussion for the new pedigree views is also available for more extended questions and comments.

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