How do I index records that span two images or view additional images?

Index Records--Span Two Images

If the first record on an image begins on a previous image, don't index it. The record is part of the previous batch. Start to index at the first complete record. 

If the last record on an image continues to the next image, index the entire record, including what continues to the next image.

To see the next image while you index information for the current image, use these steps:


  1. In the top corner of the image window, in the vertical toolbar, click the icon for Reference Images (see an example of this icon below).
  2. Below the screen on the right, click a thumbnail next to the image you are currently indexing.
  3. Index the record while you view both images.
  4. To exit split screen mode, in the vertical toolbar, click the icon for Reference Images. (See an example of this icon below.)
    Index Records--Reference Images Icon
    Indexing Reference Images icon
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