How do I enter a cemetery name or burial plot into Family Tree?

Many people like to visit, decorate, or care for the burial places of their family and ancestors. When you record the cemetery as the burial place, it can help them find the site.

You can also record the burial plot. We recommend that you enter the burial plot as a custom event.

Steps (website)

  1. Open the Person page for the ancestor.
  2. If you do not see the Vitals section at the top of the page, click Details.
  3. In the Vitals section, find Burial, and click + Add (or click the Edit icon if information already shows for the burial).
  4. Enter the Date of Burial and the cemetery information under Place of Burial. As you type, the system displays the available standards. Click the correct one.
    • To select no standard, click the mouse somewhere else on the screen. 
    • To keep what you typed, click the first item on the standards list. Family Tree selects a standard if it can.
  5. Add a reason that the information is correct.
  6. Click Save

Steps (mobile app)

  1. Open the Person page for the ancestor.
  2. To add burial information, in the lower tight, tap +.
  3. In the Vitals section, tap Burial.
  4. In the Place field, enter the cemetery name.
  5. As you enter the name or date, the system displays the available standards.
    • Scroll to find and tap the correct standard.
    • ​​​If no applicable standard is available, go to the bottom of the standards list, and tap None of the above.
    • To keep what you entered and have the system select an applicable standard, tap away from the standards list.
  6. Enter a reason that the information is correct.
  7. Tap Save.

Steps (Family Tree Lite)

  1. Open the Person page for the ancestor.
  2. In the Vitals section, find Burial and tap Add.
  3. Enter the cemetery information under Burial Place. Family Tree Lite automatically standardizes dates and places as you add or edit them. You cannot choose a standard. 
  4. Enter a reason that the information is correct.
  5. Tap Save.

How do I enter dates and places into Family Tree?

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