How can I get help with a third-party site or app?

FamilySearch collaborates with various organizations. FamilySearch Support can help you use our Solutions Gallery, where you can find and get access to our third-party products. For help with using a third-party product, please contact the company.

In the FamilySearch Solutions Gallery, each third party provides contact information. Third-party sites provide email addresses, websites, phone numbers, or a combination.

Steps (website)

  1. Go to the FamilySearch Solutions Gallery.
  2. Find the third-party site that you want to contact.
  3. Click the company's tile, and open the information.
  4. Scroll down until you see the Solution Support section.

Steps (mobile app)

To access the Solutions Gallery, please use the website on a browser.

Steps (Family Tree Lite)

To access the Solutions Gallery, please use the full version of the website.

Third-party company contact information

The third-party contact information is for your benefit. Some information could be outdated.

Some countries have a separate Ancestry website. Find contact information on the site specific to the country.




Geneanet is available in many languages. Find access to help in your language:


How do I find third-party company products?
Where is my linked account to Ancestry?
Why does FamilySearch collaborate with other organizations?

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