Can I get a copy of Personal Ancestral File (PAF)?

FamilySearch support for Personal Ancestral File (PAF) data and software as well as PAF Companion ended July 15, 2013. We no longer offer these products as a download nor provide them for sale on a CD. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Our third-party subscriptions offer alternative software. You can find options in our Solutions Gallery. These third-party products can synchronize with FamilySearch Family Tree and all allow you to import your PAF data. 

While you cannot upload PAF data directly into FamilySearch Family Tree, you can still create a GEDCOM file of your PAF data through these third-party products. They are also available for free at most of our FamilySearch centers. 

As part of this change, we no longer provide assistance to those already using this product. For more information about discontinuing PAF, view the announcement post on the FamilySearch Blog.

How do I find third-party company products?
How do I copy information from my GEDCOM file into Family Tree?

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