All about Me uses the wrong version of my name.

On the FamilySearch website, the All About Me activity shows the meaning of your first and last names. You can also see other facts about the year you were born. Sometimes the activity uses the wrong version of your name, such as a married name instead of a maiden name. A nickname could have been used.

If you signed in to FamilySearch

If you signed in to FamilySearch and you know that you have a record in Family Tree, then this error means that your record in Family Tree must be corrected. The All about Me experience uses the version of your name that is displayed in the Vitals section of your record.

In the Vitals section, enter your full legal name. Add nicknames and married names to the Other Information section as alternative names.

If you want a quick way to see the meaning of your maiden name, click your father's entry in the list of relatives that appears at the bottom of the screen. Then click the button for the name.

If you participated in the activity as a guest

If you did not sign in to FamilySearch and participated in the activity as a guest instead, you likely entered your name incorrectly. Simply start the activity over again, and enter your name and birth year.

All about Me only uses the first word of my last name
All about Me has the wrong meaning of my name.

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