What is Suggest an Idea?

What is Suggest an Idea?

The Suggest an Idea option in the FamilySearch Community is the place to suggest a new function or addition to FamilySearch.

Suggest an Idea is not the place to report site errors or bugs, file a complaint, or ask questions. You can, however, post those concerns to the appropriate Help category in the community.

Why was Suggest an Idea changed?

  • To ensure that user ideas are understood and considered for possible implementation.
  • To streamline the process of making suggestions for new functions and additions.
  • To enhance clarity and effectiveness when implementing suggested ideas.
  • To foster a respectful and safe environment.
  • To reduce Code of Conduct violations in the Suggest an Idea category.

How has Suggest an Idea changed?

  • After consulting with engineers, FamilySearch implemented a revised process to transform feedback into actionable items.
  • A template was created outlining the required information for Suggest an Idea posts. Ideas must contain the information requested in the template. Otherwise, the idea will be returned until the required information is included.
  • Before posts are made viewable in the Suggest an Idea category, all ideas are screened by FamilySearch moderators. Moderation ensures that all the required information outlined in the template is included. Please be patient with the process as moderating takes time.
  • If your idea is incomplete, you will receive a notification. The notification looks like a warning, but it is not. If you receive a notification, resubmit the idea with the required information.
  • If your submission is not an idea, it will be returned with instructions on where to post the information in the FamilySearch Community.
  • As part of the review process, moderators may edit the title or body of a post to enhance clarity or better represent the idea.
  • Once the idea is approved and posted, any comments submitted regarding the idea will also be reviewed before being posted. Comments are only posted if they add value or clarity to the idea presented. Contentious, belligerent, or unkind comments will not be posted and may result in a Code of Conduct violation warning.
  • Up voting and down voting is functioning and is used to observe your opinion of an idea.