www.familysearch.org Additional security check is required

Why am I seeing this?

FamilySearch uses security tools to ensure that only real people can access our services. If you received this error, something on your computer is causing a conflict. Thank you for your understanding.

What can I do?

Here are the top 3 solutions to this error:
  • Use a supported browser: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari.
  • Determine whether a browser extension is causing problems. The fastest way is to disable extensions by opening your browser in incognito or private mode. Then try to sign into FamilySearch. If you can get in, determine which browser extensions cause a conflict and disable them. To enter incognito mode in Chrome, click the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner, and select New Incognito Window.
  • If you are using a VPN, disable it.
If you are still getting the error, see the article Solutions to Error 15 for more suggestions.
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